Interactive Storybook Reading: A Vocabulary Instructional Strategy

Storybook reading is one of the most effective ways to improve the language and reading outcomes of children (Swanson et al., 2011).   This remains true for students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing (DHH). Storybook reading influences language and reading outcomes through vocabulary.  There are different types of storybook reading: shared reading, repeated reading, and interactive storybook reading. Shared reading is reading aloud a story to children with a focus on comprehending the story and story elements, such as character, setting, and plot.  Repeated reading is reading the same book with children over and over again to build confidence and repeated exposure to the story.  Interactive storybook reading is using the book as a shared experience and developing language in the context of the story.  Interactive storybook reading has shown to be effect with children who are DHH who use sign language (Trussell, Dunagan, Kane, & Cascioli, 2017; Trussell & Easterbrooks, 2014) and spoken language (Trussell et al., 2017; Trussell, Hasko, Kane, Brusehaber, & Amari, 2018) from the age of three to about six years old.

Interactive storybook reading is easy to plan for a class or one child. There are different goals for interactive storybook reading.  The first goal is to develop vocabulary.  The second goal is to help the child retell the story.  Herein, we will focus on the first goal to develop vocabulary.  When using interactive storybook reading to develop vocabulary, the focus of the instruction will be on the book’s pictures and not the text.

First, you should pick a book that has little text but very clear pictures with a lot of action.  Second, you will need to look at the book’s pictures and notice items that show up in several pictures throughout the book.  These are the items that could become your target vocabulary.  After making a list of potential vocabulary items, you may want to pretest your students to determine if they know the words or not.  You can use the picture from the book or you could develop flashcards using colorful clipart.  Next, you can choose as few as five vocabulary items to focus on and as many as ten depending on your students’ needs.  Now that you have the vocabulary items that you will focus on, it is time to develop your questions.

Interactive storybook reading is centered around two concepts: CROWD question prompts and the PEER cycle.  The CROWD question prompts are five different types of questions that are asked during interactive storybook reading.  The first type is the completion question (Dad is holding an _________.)  The second type of question is a recall question from the pictures (How were the children feeling before?).  The third type of question is an open-ended question with more than one right answer (What do you think the children see?).  The fourth type of question is a wh- question (What is on the ground?). The last question type is distancing and connects the story to the child’s life (When have you felt the same as the dad feels here?).  The purpose of the questions is to elicit the target vocabulary items from the child.  You will write four to five questions for each vocabulary item throughout the book.  Attempt to write various types of CROWD questions to elicit the vocabulary item.

The next important part of interactive storybook reading is the PEER cycle. The first part of the cycle is prompting using one of the CROWD questions you have developed.  The second and third parts are to evaluate what the student said and expand on it.  The last step is to re-prompt the student with the CROWD question again in hopes that the student will give you a longer response.  See the example below for further clarification.



PEER Sequence Example

Adult Child
Prompt What fruit do you see here? Apple
Evaluate Yes!
Expand You see a red apple.
Re-prompt What fruit do you see? Red apple


Initially, you will be giving the student the answers to the CROWD questions prompts.  After the second exposure to the book, the students should start answering with the vocabulary target you were hoping they would use.  You can use the book for four to five days or until the students have mastered all of the targeted vocabulary items.  The students enjoy repeating the book day after day because they feel very successful when they can answer your questions.  When engaging in interactive storybook reading using the PEER cycle, the teacher and students can have 50-60 opportunities for engagement with the CROWD question prompts.  If you would like to read more about interactive storybook reading, also known a dialogic reading, see these links for examples and more information:

Swanson, E., Vaughn, S., Wanzek, J., Petscher, Y., Heckert, J., Cavanaugh, C., … Tackett, K. (2011). A synthesis of read-aloud interventions on early reading outcomes among preschool through third graders at risk for reading difficulties. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 44(3), 258–75.

Trussell, J. W., Dunagan, J., Kane, J., & Cascioli, T. (2017). The effects of interactive storybook reading with preschoolers who are deaf and hard-of-hearing. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 37(3), 147–163.

Trussell, J. W., & Easterbrooks, S. R. (2014). The effect of enhanced storybook interaction on signing deaf children’s vocabulary. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 19(3), 319–332.



Jessica W. Trussell, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Rochester Institute of Technology